Archive for July 20th, 2011

July 20, 2011

Slippery When Vet

The trauma I lived with about the past was not fear of self-incrimination, it was legitimate fear of what a gang who tortured me could get away doing again under the umbrella of their prisoner’s dilemma Taliban.

Let’s return to AIDS Nuremberg: It’s not against the law to approve of AIDS being manmade. It is a crime to have released the virus. It is a crime to have helped the guilty. It is a crime to withhold information. There are several reasons why this distinction is important but the one I want to make you most aware of is that those who released AIDS are in the forefront of the Queer Positive Movement. Sean Strub is convicted. Randy Shilts is suspected. Obama is deeply implicated. They have a sensibilities Taliban operating from their alliance with Catholic Workers. Most people do not sympathize with the release of AIDS, but they are loyal to the AIDS Combine. Since this fact is very distinct from loyalty to the United States of America, to bring this about required trickery. The victim establishment knows that and is mobilized to attack you homocidally for protesting the onslaught and the trickery. Keeping this paragraph of my corpus in mind can help you simplify the entire situation and do what is necessary to be done which is to send Brian Eno to prison for life.

There is no question that I support universal health insurance.

The pornography institution (like John Lennon) was used as a Trojan Horse in Hitler’s revenge. This fact deeply implicates Yoko Ono, at minimum condemning her politics. The claim that Reagan didn’t know is meant to exonerate Ringo Starr. When Brian Eno looks back on the album SO and shudders at my letter to Leslie, lisping, “cudda saved John Lennon,” he is at best playing the role of Louis in Casablanca shouting, “I’m shocked! Shocked! to find gambling going on.” The truth is probably a role closer to that of Pierre Laval. Nobody thought I’d hurt anyone. Many were the functions of this excuse for failure to warn. Within a miasma of bewildering details comes a fundamental theme: conquest by the Combine. This is another paragraph in my corpus that can help you simplify the dizzy dance of the Confederates, led by David Bowie’s prestigious dogma.

The AIDS Combine’s maintenance guild is run, by Pentagon-Disney multinational, through anti-scab labor locals organized by Martin Sheen in Hollywood and the academic gravy train is a fascist jetset allied to Catholic Workers and the idealists who fell for Obama’s rhetoric about a post-racial society which is a euphemism for spoils by the survivor’s guild.

Let’s talk about the ringleaders who have outlived Reagan, namely Rick Santorum and one hopes to a lesser degree Dino Rossi. The root of the crime ring is a pedophile bondage cult that starts keeping dossiers on trafficked children beginning in elementary school abduction. Lying about my injuries has, over the years, morphed into an act tantamount to admitting this truth and how bloodcurdlingly organized, Federal and Executive it is. They have for several decades claimed their right to lie about this and magically this confers upon them impugnity. One quite simply … doesn’t … reason with this premise if they know what’s good for them, and I didn’t know leading to chronic diarrahea caused by genetic schizophrenia.

Command of the airwaves due to evasion of the issue now have a death row lock seeking to continue to use me as either a guinea pig in neuro-terror or the desired installation candidate of forgiveness for the celebrity superstate. If you do not clean their bathroom you will be given scabies if you are lucky. The Queen of Murder and deceit hides behind their goblins of Africa calling this mangling of the disabled noblese oblige. The moralism of the agenda is highly quaint stage-directed as it is by the guilty faction. Seattle failed to recognize their own enemies and that means being beaten by me in a game I wasn’t playing. They, unlike little Jimmy, can and do understand this letter, just as Leslie understood mine and was never afraid of me.

A third very important feature of the AIDS presentation put on by the AIDS Confederacy (third after one: the Gay kamakazis, two: the derailing of warning by claim to a zietgiest mandate over my letter to Leslie) is that their system operates a host of multiple failsafes. This multiple failsafe system derails simplification by wiring around commonsense as fast as you can think. In this way they’ve constructed themselves as an institutional model of the virus itself, something implacable.

The Beatles control The United States by hate. A jury of peers is not a mob scene on a thrill kill. It is an objective jury chosen by both sides. Midori lives to be Miss Trial. It is a lot to ask knowing what we do to presume that pun is unintended given the maddening degree that Noam Chomsky applied his genius for language to Reagan’s systematic war lock. When Hitler came back as a woman panting to be taken this time Israel was given a reason to laugh.

De De Mancine, who seduced me as a child, when she, too, Annabel Lee, was a child, was a contract on America. That Putrid Paul McCartney glamorized it to disguise promotion of the show as confiscation, a staged and phony intercept falsely billed as a corporate takeover to redeem Reagan’s holy name, a Schwarzenegger/Wattenmaker rigamarand from Senegal wrapping around an undisclosed fandango for the loot, brilliantly disarmed like a Libyan hit squad by James Bond and Pete Sinfield. To our disgrace New Line Cinema allowed these Germans to poison one of Anglais’ most fabled tales of morale: Tolkien’s Welsh Lord of the Rings shading Sam Gamgee with a touch of Will Zell to obstinately stamp Amanda Harcourt’s foot that a man with prior knowledge of AIDS was both hero and victim. This is worth knowing because the politics of Barack Obama are those of the Wizard Saruman who fell into evil then wrapped himself in a cloak of colors.

It will never get sorted out if you continue crediting their criminal genius against the evidence convicting them. I’m supposed to never defeat the HERE Political Action Team who backstabbed me through home invasion. Indeed, the British want home invasion stylized to be seen as non-invidious rescue far and wide. They call it delivery and have wired you into a client relationship with watchful courtesans empowered to raid their viewers. This innovation, largely by Microsoft, and its attending persecution of character is essential to the command and control system of the AIDS Combine.

Santorum and Rossi oppose sex education while supporting an ancient system of trafficking and bondage. The savagery of the corporal punishment visited on little Jimmy for crying in terrible fright at the sight of cocaine, for example, reveals their hidden hand and the new Republican anthem: Brutality is Moralizing. Many are the intrigues of the parochial savage. Just as the AIDS combine bought up cough drop and aspirin pharmaceuticals, they are all benevolent, all compromise when it comes to Luke 16 medicinal cannibis. Their cloak of never-ending symbolitry and icon worship was honed in ancient British opium wars. Santorum and Rossi support an old, old system of ransom. That is why they erupt in fury at sex education where vulnerable children might be warned in a language suitable to their age, one they might stand a chance of understanding. Just try it, slave, if you value the quality of your bowel movement (please don’t shoot them, they’re pathetic).

Deceit is of the essence. It is considered spectacular congency as all remember that Pitt announced under Reagan. The scheme transfered the virginity psychopathy of Rossi and Santorum brilliantly as Cornell Legree rubbed his hands gloatingly shouting militarily, “We demand the right to penetrate!” No one even wants to know what Oliver Jewboy did in Cambodia. This is of course a very Trad, not rad, power. It was represented in Pittsburgh, even before the Katz letter (if you happen to want or need a second counter-trump bigger than her virginity after we broke up, gone by the way at the time of the so-called obsession scare, leading you to wonder what good raping her would have done) in names like Curelop and Kutofsky.

Using the usual rhetoric of giving one’s life for their fellow man, that one “serve”, dialoguing over noblese oblige, the insurgents pre-scripted a plot to pit the humanist against a charge demanding HIV injection.

Again, just in case there are readers, I post regularly to in the opinions forum under the name Santasia; in The Seattle Times Rant and Rave Politics Section under the name dispatchedward; in under the name JamesAsJeannieCallsMe in Facebook, Mac Crary, and in my personal blog

July 20, 2011

Britain’s African Blackmail Trump

The English (a difficult word for me to utter without attending epithet) live well, even grandly and know what it is like not to do so having been for centuries at the forefront of European colonialism, resentment about which has been cultivated quietly in America by the fascism in vogue in India, and the mercenary genius of the Israelis. Martha Gellhorn told me privately in a letter “America is a large island filled with self-absorbed dummies.” Of course, in some ways it is the fact that we are this way which provides us our health and well-being, our distance is a form of enchantment. AIDS was created to answer the ancient British question: How can we advance democracy without becoming like Hitler? Their answer was to become like Hitler in advance of democracy. They see the perplex as futile because ultimately to care about Africa at all is to come up against the fact that Germany, in the arcane sense of Hitler, the CIA and so forth are perfectly happy with Africa being Africa, a nuthouse of violence and tribalism, but that when white civilization arrives and finds it too treacherous, too thick with black children, too unnavigatable by the Jeeps of fear, the choice is between their Christiandom and the nature of reality.

To answer this England invaded the United States of America, quietly immolated and mutilated a child who was a shining white prince of the middle class, wrapped their evil monstrosity of a Catholic Worker War Dissertation around his screaming, aborted head, and hissed, while pouring scabies, abortions, acid reflux, heart poison and rape of his loved one over his screaming, screaming poetry, “Hope that’s enough” (Don Denis, Pete Gabriel, Mt. Desert Island).

In order to prepare the ground for the AIDS Onslaught further, Her Majesty sent her troops disguised as rock musicians behind the Trojan Horse of John Lennon. Lennon, the anti-Christ set up and killed by his Franklin Graham-kissing partner, was the sort to believe our hope lies in reckless abandon rather than draconian social controls. They stirred up the idealism kicking and screaming in the mud from the murders of JFK and Martin Luther King. They sneered that Human Rights advocates, when Civil Rights was being phased back out, should be so viciously subjectioned that their minds became like the goblins of Africa. Gabriel collected their names with Bush through the usual lines of campus informants and gave them to the Black Panthers and the Ku Klux Klan.

There was an interesting debate going on at the University of Pittsburgh during the divestment campaign that I was an intellectual leader of, if not of the murderers locally, of the world readers who spied on our daily newspapers. I don’t think anyone hit the mark as clearly and as bravely as I did and Wesley Posvar was moved to fly to Johannesburg and came back determined to halt them. Or so it would seem not knowing the doublecross that Patricia Fripp had set up advocating for skinhead army.

At this time at the Falk Medical Library, 1984, I was aware of AIDS and what it meant. I made a major effort to organize the Cray-6 supercomputer and African Embassies for distribution of prompt and meaningful warning and medical information. Dr. Bob Glew told me that the medical libraries of most African schools amounted to wet books in boxes. Did I not mean it when I said I wanted to help? Over the last ten years I collected ten thousand dollars worth of academic books, new, specially selectioned, some rare of print, even films, at my own expense, while living below the poverty line, for Gary Locke’s International Library. I wanted the help widespread and immediate. There was no internet yet. I brought visitors to the library from Turkey, professional people, and Esther Waldron told me, “They’re dirty, they’re a danger to their patients. I hope they don’t come.” I drove Vince Eirene and his friends all over the city day and night trying to help the peace movement. John Seitz, the Gore attache who introduced me to ARTEK Tony and the men who tortured me as a child, was so surprised by my determination that he sent me a picture from New Guinea during his term at the Peace Corps of a native aborigine with a laptop on his knees in full tribal headdress. Was I successful? Hahaha. Pitt responded by repudiating a nutrition center and then my father, a Peace Corps leader, showed up reporting a loss of appetite.

And the English rabid knew about the murder letters in my home, even when daddy was still in what Miles Kirshner would call “last licks” they said nothing. Even with the stigmata boom about to explode they said nothing except, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” and “have a terrific summer”. Terrific. How that word galled me at the time.

The an English rabid moved with Obama and Martin Sheen to manufacture the carrot tape, set up the heist of my name at Kelly School, and the Alpana pussyball claim on Midori Goto that Youssou N’dour yammered about prior to the set up. Then, with Outhouse Harkin shrieking insanely that I was a Louie adulterer framing The Gipper about things I knew nothing about, they set upon me, a struggling deaf student, for AIDS testing and raped, brutally raped, my deaf girlfriend when she dared to demand that they stop attacking an innocent person.

The Clintons KNEW I was innocent. That’s why it was such a big joke to them, and the reason they gave for not rescuing a known innocent person was that Midori Goto wanted the Warhol assassin who tortured me and made a mockery of me regaled as a badboy rocker. For this she just stepped on deaf Jeannie, and had the Africans at the street corner howling with derision. Jesse Jackson sent them pulling penis at me on the public buses. The Clintons liked the cost-effectiveness of sacrificial theory. They didn’t want to warn people in ways that might save their lives and reduce the effectiveness of the trauma and long term program. They kept command of the airwaves, thoughtless and heedless of how profoundly it hurts, really badly, to be murdered in cold blood by one’s own government.