Archive for January 18th, 2012

January 18, 2012


     You accused Ryland of using Yoko Ono for pornography.  This would be based on the idea that Yoko Ono is Japanese and I am his son.  Pornography in principle is consensual.  The consumer isn’t really doing anything in a pornographic film.  In principle the actor and actress in a pornographic film enjoy each others company and hope to make money selling the images of this pleasure.  How therefore does looking at pornography amount to using anybody, much less my father using Yoko Ono?  Sex tapes were made of me as a hostage child, as a neurobedient wage slave with nowhere to run, of deaf Jeannie’s rape.  Sounds more like me being used by Yoko Ono.  Problem is Yoko Ono, by ideology, can only be victim.

     The implacable ruthlessness of Yoko Ono admits no defense for the non-accused.  We’ve seen that now for many decades.  Paul McCartney objected to seeing me with Midori Goto and translated what he said was an identity crime aimed at Reagan into what he considered a justified revenge commited in the name of AIDS victims by fulfilling the script using me as a sacrificial souvenir.  That’s where the situation stands.  Reasoning with British Labor and New York’s Government is not productive, but there remains the issue of public scrivening and accounts for a few members of family.

     Seattle Queers settled on irrationality as a function of cruelty.  Ayn Rand, the klukozoidal guru of Carnegie Mellon, where Seattle took their cues, wrote that the most terrible thing one of her protagonists could imagine is facing a beast of prey or ravaged, mindless criminal.  You would say all sorts of profundities but nothing would get through.  Solzenhitsyn once said that the paradox in American society is that freedom had led to an absence of spirituality.  Our government construes this as a justification for torture since it leads to a more spiritual citizen.

     The piracy of Peter Gabriel who admited that the staged and phony intercept of the letters in my home by their authors was theft called it justified theft, but he hasn’t actually made a reasonable case that to be true.  Gabriel politicized a witness through manufacture and smear.  Sexualization was used to push disenfranchisement into eminent domain.  He claims that I was not a hostage, but rather that my dehumanization is an object lesson empowering the idea of justified theft, torture and rape.  His cause is relativity.  The reason Pnr. Gabriel isn’t going to acknowledge the fallacy and wrongheadedness of chicken fights between victims is that his whole operation depends upon that line of attack.  

     Having distinguished people like The King Family supporting what Pnr. Gabriel in Pittsburgh and for the AIDS Combine on Mt. Desert Island does not therefore mean that it actually stands up as a justification for child rape.  Jeannie was legally a child when Gabriel punisher’d her from his office at Amnesty International, claiming that in his chicken fight ledger she is less a victim, suffering orphan status, Downs Syndrome, epilepsy, abandonment, and deafness, than an AIDS victim is, hence his generous act of rape should be extolled as the munificence of a great mind at work, reconciling unknowable forces.  Indeed, one of his music magazines had a picture of him at WOMAD dancing frenetically with the caption:  He has the whole world in his pants.

     Gabriel had as his motivation the extreme humiliation of Jimmy Crary.  Hating the idea of me and Midori Goto, he created an assassination pussyball scenario that in order for her to earn her life and mine she would have to provider his faction her virginity and five abortions in order to humiliate me about the way I was tortured by a gang who chalked up points on me through a sickening blood tree game of hit and run attack prostitution.  This vindictive idea had as its claim to be a morality statement showing the higher virtue of Fundamentalism.  Meanwhile, however, he also ransacked me for anything I suggested as being religious with a hostile Reformation attitude, as though meditation on the beyond was punishable by death.

     There is significant question of course if this wasn’t an idea that originated in Midori Goto’s movement.  Her movement is an Ark of Stereotypes, engendered perhaps in part by Edward Said’s nasty concept of “Orientalism” as regarding the exotic otherness of Asian women as inferiors allowing Yoko Ono to invert this idea by applying Lennon’s supremacism to her egological caste.  Midori Goto became a Godhead leading the sexual annihilation of a symbolic Midwestern white family and her partnership with Barack Obama a stance of militancy shrewdly offering AIDS victims leadership they prefer as minorities, while mounting an intense offensive to protect the truly guilty.

      Once a victim becomes politicized, no matter how compound the victimization, they are subject to Chappaquidick syndrome.   It would take a genuinely sinister person to say that a victim of profound head injury was unbecoming because the injury led to drooling, but no matter how hard you try a drooling politician is unacceptable.  Out of the hospital then and into the klieglight was New York’s refrain.  Thanks to Ronald Reagan’s Teflon armor no Chappaquidicks stick when it comes to Pnr. Gabriel’s abuse of children.

       Queers are operating in their irrational vindictiveness a Catch 22, inspired I’m sure by Christopher Hitchens it should be called Hitch 22.  There is no way that I would want to be in the clutches of Midori Goto after the terribly offensive hate crimes she authored, yet the Queers need the idea that I am still interested in her to justify continued abuses beyond number and horror.  So they have the Ultrahigh system that requires that I kowtow to the offender and they isolate me to the point, like Bobby Sands, where any humanity shown towards me, however poisoned the food in the outstretched hand, evokes the instinctive need for approval and friendship.  There is, after all, no question that I never understood the magnitude of what was in the letters.  Gabriel simply claims that the magnitude was in fact great and therefore I should be punished as responsible just because I’m what Tom Gordon called “a convenient thing to hate.”

       In creating their politicized witness, Gabriel resorted to claims that I am greedy.  Hard to say where that comes from, since I’ve never lived above the poverty line.  His ideas are somewhat convoluted.  At the time of the staged and phony intercept in the mid-80’s a boy named Davy Jones introduced me to girls named Stephanie and Jocelyn.  We know now that Jocelyn Elders was part of the Davey Jones locker division, Gordon Brown’s 25.  Davey Jones was David Bowie’s original name.  The Elders are a billionaire group that Pnr. Gabriel parties with.  They deign to slip 15 minutes of fame to Nelson Mandela from time to time.  When I got Section 8, my heart was poisoned and my housing counselor, a black woman named Mrs. Nelson said, “so I have that.”  The idea of a top secret Los Vegas was also put into spin with the appointment of Janet Reno as Director of the F.B.I.

       The counter-victim doesn’t have to be anybody in particular.  They don’t even have to be a real AIDS victim.  Hollywood can find anyone.  The accusation that I am insensitive to children is really very empty.  Everyone in psychiatry privately knows that the reason I’m kept away from children is that I am an old softy and would have a nervous breakdown.  Even though they deny it, I went through with Mt. Desert Island in sympathy with the AIDS victims.  They were panicked into self-destruction purposefully.  The horrid cartel of Cornell West went beyond terroristic defilement and sought to sabotague historic records.  Pnr. Gabriel had hoped that the truth about Sean Strub, Mt. Desert Island and 911 would remain as obscure as the myth of Atlantis.

      Ultimately the claim that I owe anything to AIDS victims is erroneous.  I am legally entitled not to accept being given a role in a farce.  What I owe society is the payment of taxes.  For a hostage taking system to say that they want my work and half of my income amounts to a larceny system that refuses to severe from its prey.  The University of Washington see an opportunity to keep me here through poverty by magnifying my dependency on their scientific ability to deal with advanced criminal experimentation.  There is no doubt that what is being done to me is extremely criminal misconduct.  I consider it a tragedy for our communities and our understanding of the humanities.  It’s a mercenary enterprise.  Sean Strub was never a legitimate intellectual leader.  It’s too bad Seattle went this road of abusing a victim of torture.  The level of depradation they think is togetherness is unspeakable, a vile burlesque of hippydom created by the trickery of Godspell.

      It really does I think show in part the danger that came in forgiving the war in Vietnam.  The only rational response to the war is that it was unspeakable and unforgiveable.  Refusal to deal with it that way led to relativism that now states: Oh, you were waterboarded, aw, ain’t that sad, to tax paying citizens.  Obstructing me as a person is a dangerously pruerile objective.  The crime itself an attempt to use AIDS as a catalyst to create Nazi Godlaw.  The queers went along with it because of British rock stars.  It’s eerie jazz.  What they’ve already done is unforgivable.    To think that to rationalize it they kick around the word “empathy”!

      We should have suspected that behind the murder of JFK was an attempt to introduce mysticism.  The idea of survival as a sacred defeat allows them to convene a cycle of victimization that is extremely profound.  Recognition of the other’s humanity is a serious psychological problem for Aaron Dixon.  The basis whereby Black Republicans break faith with the NAACP is to me beyond question.  The issue in the humanities is the dignity of the human mind and soul, not race.   You’d think Muslims at least would understand that, since they understand the meaning of man being made in the image of God to mean that the mind is in the image of God, not the body. 

      Do they offer severance in their theft?  No, they want me to live out the lies they’ve told about me.  It seems to me a good idea for people in Government to look for three categories in this affair:  Those in the loop, those outside the loop, and those willing to oppose the loop.  The strategy seems to have been a truly vicious revenge by the segregationists, a pussyball eugenic ordeal.  It’s not safe to ignor, although it is healthier to learn to ignor them when they seek to promote themselves.  Obviously, compassion fatigue is much higher in a deaf victim of compound torture and personal abuse injuries.  Obvious, that is, to everyone but the murderer responsible. 

      It’s interesting to me that a skinhead named Brent Coldiron was the source of the fluxus refrain:  What did I do to deserve this?  In other words, the status of victim as a medium for feudalism and social abuse originated with a lumberjack skinhead from Toledo, Ohio.  How this could be is reasonable to consider but impossible to conclude.  I suspect that behind Sean Strub and Adam Eisenstat, the leader of the band Bad Martyrs who befriended Coldiron, was Ed Meese.

       The an English have insisted on hearing from me, while sowing the poisonous fear that if America doesn’t surrender to the caprice of the British rock world Ringo will launch nukes next.  They pinned my private comments up on Robert Fripp’s bulletin board heedless of the fact that they were jeopardizing a victim of child torture, and insisted that if I did not write what came blasting through the neuroplasm they would git me.  These lopers are not really affirming the free speech movement by the way.

       What is in reach for the average citizen when the government insists on behaving this way?  I was after all at Pitt News simply asking questions like wouldn’t Central America be benefited more by buying them ballot boxes that worked than weapons, not framing that paranoid Reagan.

January 18, 2012

The Ribald Eagle

      To live in a society of educated, resourceful leaders looking out for the safety, peace and dignity of our nation and planet is better than to live in a world run by the ignorant and overarmed.  People who read at least a little are better than people who do not read at all, especially when the ignorant think they understand the simple and most essential better, but those whose reading habits are very good are the best caretakers because it means they understand that the horizons of the world are not limited to their own.  Fundamentalism is just a trip, a fashionable journey that a cluck of denses have been led down.

      The aggressor lobby who are the habit of poisoning dissent is composed by a broad-based group who imagine themselves empowered with the civics of ultimatum.  Many of them are persons who hate America for reasons that run a spectrum from good to ill.  All of them are opportunists and none of them after the truth.  They perceive a publisher’s gold rush in a pent up mine.

      To illustrate the difference between me and Yoko Ono, turn to the function of ribald humor.  Most of the sources Tom Harkin has provided boil down to an enthusiast for ribald humor:  Tom Gordon.  Gordon has been a source for stories about my prom date in 1978, LL (to avoid playing into Gabriel’s trap of ultimatum that humiliates the humiliated while empowering the aggressor I’ll provide the initials), the carrot tape, etc. is a man who shook the White House gates on the night before Hinckley and provided Obama’s Law Review at Harvard desultory tales while Gore himself cultivated a high voltage catharsis of an impacted neuroplasm to activate the yellow line of the Internet pursuant to humiliating me and deaf Jeannie in the name of Midori Goto’s virtue.

      Gail Burstyn and Diamonda Galas had the same goal:  to loosen morals in order to drive the pack to slaughter.  High risk, not public safety, is their calling card.  Gail Zappa’s daughter then arrived to play the punisher and puritanical.  It seemed like a foolproof plan to Tom Harkin because the public relations of Midwest politics disallow discourse about pornography, even when the Neva Corporation was found to have kidnapped Ward Moore’s grandson, inundated him with trauma, and then released the AIDS virus, all planned under Reagan’s term in Hollywood, as all the evidence shows.

       Forget the evidence?

       Queen Elizabeth’s loathsome response, to side with Andrea Swimmer was designed to exploit the tragedy.  It was a premeditated idea, to hold a victim of torture hostage to pedophile blackmail while leering about adult behavior AS AN ADULT.  The natural line of argument was SO what?  Lennon thought children should get high and have sex.  With that sort of endorsement, who is going to listen to a traumatized deaf child they set up to blame for his death?  The question then is how seriously do we have to take Lennon’s pronouncements even when we supported his music and right to life?  

        The Zappas kept saying, “Lennon gassed you.”  Hitler gassed me.  Yoko married Lennon.  That makes Lennon Hitler evidently.  So the Walrus case continues to spin around the miraculousness of regarding those who started AIDS as our salvation against salivation.  Because of human nature it was a clever trick to have AIDS victims identifying with Lennon rather than questioning the motives and purposes of those who sold them that shrill idea.

        Obviously the rhetoric is premeditated.  Scott Riback used to carry on about “the question of semantics”.  He is the man who showed me nuclear documents and gave James W. Child the pretext to corral me at Pitt News while Lou Leto of the U.S. Army High Command carried on about my being a devil worshipper.  Pretty extreme rhetoric.  Riback and ribald are very similar words and the issue of getting my father Ry back on the thread of ribald humor is the pattern in British partnership with Bush.

        It is short work to dismiss their angle of slander.  If I were a liar it would be very easy to play their game.  Once I realized I was not the only victim, my comments about the past changed because I no longer agreed that lettering bygones be bygones was the answer.  Society has to be protected even if James Crary doesn’t.  I was going to have to knuckle down at the risk of reprisals and talk about how I was tortured as a child.  If I were one of the English crafties, it would have been easy for me to fib.

        As a basis of comparison:

        Here is a fib I could have told:  Don Ostro and an unknown man when I was traumatically intoxicated with pot and alcohol at the age of 13, crying invisible tears of fatigue and suffering, took me semi-comatonic to Butler, Pennsylvania where they picked up a prostitute and took us to the lair of the second adult unidentified male who stripped.  I did not want contact with the woman.  The man came upon me naked and forced me to provide Lewinsky services.

        The truth is that when I panicked and started flipping out Don Ostro told him to stop.

        Why did I tell the truth rather than make an appeal to enlist public sympathies?  Because I’m not an English.

        My view about the world is that for example had the laws of dignity not to invade another’s privacy without probable cause, much less on the ignoble mission of the an English, been observed, the incredible attacks of military insanity by England would not have evolved so effortlessly from their caustic leers because there would have been no carrot tape.  They could have asked me politely what that was all about.  It took me time to remember.

        The English want cover for endorsing and co-authoring the crime.  They want to pull it off.

        We need to concentrate on sane, educated, sustainable livelihoods and help the world abroad to do so, as well.

        I believe the Occupy Movement’s development of a dialogue about the Las Vegas style spoils of the Ultraright and the exposes in print about the International Banking syndicates who have shrewd liars manipulating our national policies and economies in order to hurt us rather than develop appropriate investments in sustainable futures has to become an international dialogue.

        The syphillitic English will continue to gesticulate, fulminate and backstab.  It is their nature and nothing can be done at this late date, but the indictment of Ringo Starr stands unchanged.

January 18, 2012

James MacRyland Crary

Image Son of Ryland Wesley Crary, who authored Humanizing the School.  Franklin Graham and Adrian Belew jointed characterized me as exampling the doctrine that “Humanism in the greatest threat to America since Communism.”  I ask you, with the words of their partner Greg Karl, “the persona is subjected to successive degradations of the X-motive” did they prove this thesis or did they prove themselves the biggest assholes who ever lived?